Your credit score is one of the first factors that lenders take into account whenever you apply for a loan. Credit bureaus make this determination in order to assist lenders in determining your likelihood of repaying the loan. Given that credit bureaus are so important to the approval of your loan, here is all you should know about CRIF High Mark and CIBIL, two of India’s most well-known credit bureaus.

CRIF stands for the Centre for Research in International Finance and is one of India’s major credit bureaus. Previously known as High Mark Credit Information Services Private Limited, it started operations in 2007 and was later named CRIF High Mark after being acquired by CRIF.

CRIF High Mark provides services in the commercial and microfinance sectors. It maintains and keeps track of credit activities like loans and credit card transactions for individuals and companies. This information is valuable for lenders when they consider granting loans to both parties.

This credit bureau also specialises in risk management solutions and provides software and consulting services to lenders to manage risks associated with lending. Additionally, CRIF provides data collection, analysis, and decision-making support to offer comprehensive solutions that assist in determining credit scores effectively.

Now that we know what the CRIF meaning is and what it stands for, let us look into the other credit bureau, CIBIL.

CIBIL (Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited) is a well-known credit information company in India. Incorporated in 2000, it started consumer credit bureau services in 2004 and commercial services in 2006. It operates as a credit bureau, providing credit reports and credit scores to lenders and financial institutions.

CIBIL gathers data from various credit institutions like banks and NBFCs, including details about credit history, repayment behaviour, and outstanding loan amounts. This information is used to generate credit reports and scores, which help lenders assess the creditworthiness of borrowers and make informed lending decisions.

OperationsOperations started in 2007.Operations started in 2004.
Credit ScoreCredit scores typically fall within the range of 300 to 900, where a score above 700 is generally considered excellent.Credit scores usually range from 300 to 900, and a score above 750 is generally regarded as excellent.
Licenced byCRIF is directly regulated by the RBI.While CIBIL is officially registered and regulated by the RBI, it is owned by TransUnion, a private unlisted company.
CalculationsMore weightage has been given to the length of credit history and type of credits.More preference is given to recent account activity and credit inquiries.

While there are several discussions on the CRIF score vs CIBIL score, you should know that both are licensed by the RBI, so both scores hold significance.

The importance of each score depends on the financial institution to which you have applied for a loan. Lenders may prefer reports from either CIBIL or CRIF for assessing a borrower’s creditworthiness. All things considered, both companies will likely reflect somewhat similar credit histories because they use similar parameters to calculate credit scores.

To calculate the CIBIL score, the following factors are considered

This reflects how well you have managed credit in the past. Missing EMI payments or defaulting on credit repayment can significantly lower your score.

Credit exposure refers to the likelihood of a borrower not being able to repay their dues on time. It measures the maximum possible loss a lender stands to face in case a borrower defaults on their debt repayment.

This looks at the variety of credit you have, such as secured and unsecured loans, and the length of your credit history. Having a mix of different credit types can have a positive impact on your credit score.

This includes additional considerations like the number of credit inquiries made by lenders, the age of your credit history, and the number of credit accounts you hold.

To check your CIBIL score, you can visit the official CIBIL website or NBFC platforms like Credit Success. If you are concerned that checking will lower your credit score in any way, you can be reassured that it will not since it will be considered a soft inquiry. Only hard inquiries (which are conducted by lenders) can impact your credit score.

Also Read – How to Check CIBIL Score & How CIBIL Score is Calculated?

To determine your CRIF score, you can visit the official CRIF High Mark website or websites of NBFCs and banks that use it to determine your creditworthiness.

Irrespective of whether your lender uses a CIBIL or CRIF High Mark credit score, both are equally important for getting your loan sanctioned. By staying on top of your financial responsibilities, you can build a strong credit history, which enhances your creditworthiness and opens doors to favourable loan terms.

1.How accurate is the CRIF score?
The CRIF High Mark credit score is a number between 300 and 900, where 300 is the lowest score and 900 is the highest. The accuracy of the CRIF score relies on the accuracy of the information given to the credit bureau.

2.What is the purpose of CRIF?
CRIF’s purpose is to offer credit information and risk management solutions to lenders and businesses. They collect and analyse credit data, including credit history, repayment behaviour, and outstanding debts of individuals and companies.

3.Which is better, CRIF or CIBIL?
CRIF and CIBIL are both credit information companies that offer credit reports and scores to lenders. Deciding which you should consider depends on the specific lender or financial institution you are working with.

4.Is the CRIF score equal to the CIBIL score?
No, CRIF and CIBIL are separate companies that calculate credit scores in their unique ways. Both credit bureaus have a credit score range of 300 to 900, and the factors used to determine credit scores remain similar.

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