Contributing Factors:

  • Payment History (35%): The most crucial factor, reflecting your track record of making timely payments on credit accounts. Delayed or missed payments significantly impact your score.
  • Credit Utilization (25%): This refers to the percentage of your credit limit you’re currently using. Ideally, keep it below 30% to demonstrate responsible credit usage.
  • Credit Mix (25%): Having a diverse mix of credit accounts like loans and credit cards can positively impact your score. Revolving accounts like credit cards contribute differently than installment loans.
  • Credit Age (10%): Longer credit history with responsible debt management generally leads to a higher score.
    New Credit Inquiries (5%): A high number of recent credit inquiries, even for smaller amounts, can slightly lower your score.

CIBIL has not made public the exact formula used for the score calculation. However, it involves assigning weights to each factor based on its relative importance and using statistical models to analyze your credit history data. The algorithm generates a score between 300 and 900, with higher scores indicating greater creditworthiness.

Additional Considerations:

  • Besides the five core factors listed above, other potential elements can influence your score, such as defaults, bankruptcies, and legal cases related to finances.
  • CIBIL maintains multiple scoring models for different purposes, tailored to specific lending scenarios.
    You can access your CIBIL report and understand the factors affecting your score through various channels, including the CIBIL website.


  • Your CIBIL score is dynamic and can change over time as your credit history evolves. By maintaining responsible borrowing and repayment habits, you can improve your score and access better financial opportunities.
  • Why funders check cibil score

There are several key reasons why funders, like banks, financial institutions, or even landlords, check your CIBIL score before approving your request for funding:

1. Assess Creditworthiness: Your CIBIL score is a valuable indicator of your past borrowing and repayment behavior. A high score suggests you’re a responsible borrower who manages debt well, while a low score raises concerns about your ability to handle new debt. This allows funders to gauge the risk associated with lending you money.
2. Predict Repayment Probability: CIBIL scores are calculated using sophisticated algorithms that analyze various factors in your credit history. These factors help funders predict the likelihood of you repaying the loan on time and in full. This protects both you and the funder from potential financial hardship.
3. Make Informed Decisions: Checking CIBIL scores goes beyond just considering your income or employment. It provides funders with a deeper understanding of your financial responsibility and risk profile. This information helps them make informed decisions about whether to approve your request and under what terms.
4. Set Interest Rates and Loan Terms: Your CIBIL score directly influences the interest rates and loan terms offered by funders. A high score typically qualifies you for lower interest rates and more favorable loan conditions, while a low score might lead to higher interest rates or stricter terms.
5. Prevent Delinquencies and Defaults: By checking CIBIL scores, funders can minimize the risk of lending to borrowers who are prone to defaults. This safeguards both the funder and the borrower from financial stress and potential legal repercussions.

Additional Benefits:

  • For borrowers, understanding their CIBIL score allows them to identify areas for improvement and work towards a better credit profile.
  • A good CIBIL score can give you access to better insurance rates and other financial products.


  • Your CIBIL score is not the only factor funders consider. They also analyze your income, employment stability, debt-to-income ratio, and other relevant information.
  • Regularly reviewing your CIBIL report and maintaining responsible financial habits can significantly improve your score and secure better funding opportunities in the future.

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