In order to simplify car registration, the Ministry of Road, Transport, and Highways (MoRTH) introduced the Bharat series in 2021. The Bharat Series number plates, often known as BH number plates, are designed to make it easier for people who move from one Indian state to another. One must re-register their vehicle in the new state while relocating. A BH number plate, in contrast to regular number plates, is recognised throughout India. People having jobs that can be moved from one state to another gain from this. The BH series number plate is offered for newly manufactured, privately owned non-transportation vehicles.

BH Number Plate Format
The BH series number plate format includes the year of registration, followed by BH, a 4-digit registration number and two random alphabets. For example, “22 BH 0101 AB”.

Normal Number Plate format
The normal number plate includes two letters indicating the state, followed by a 2-digit RTO area code, two random letters, and four random numbers. You can bid for the last 4-digit numbers of your choice. For example, “MH 12 BH 5432.”

Features of the BH Number Plate series
There are various features and benefits of the BH Number Plates.

  • BH Number plate is applicable for non-transport vehicles.
  • With BH Number, you don’t have to re-register your car when relocating to another state.
  • BH Number is valid throughout India.
  • Pros and cons of BH number plate series

With the BH number plate series, you have ownership across the country, as you don’t have to re-register your vehicle again. Secondly, there is a low upfront cost for the BH number plate series, and lastly, the BH number plate has lower road tax than the normal number plate. Along with the pros, there are a few cons of the BH number plate series, such as it is not available for old or commercial vehicles; you have to submit road tax every two years, which can be time-consuming; and lastly, you can’t get a number of your choice as the BH number plate is computer generated.

You can apply for a BH number plate if you fall under the below-mentioned categories:

  1. Private firm employees with offices in more than four states or union territories
  2. State and Central Government employees
  3. Defence personnel
  4. Bank employees
  5. Administrative services employees

Tax Structure for BH series number plate
When you purchase a new car and register your car under a normal number plate, you have to pay tax for 15 years. Also, the tax will be varied on various aspects of the car, such as engine capacity, length of the car, type of the car, age of the car, purpose of the car, etc. Whereas for the BH series number plate, the tax is charged for two years or multiple of two. Also, the road tax is calculated on the invoice, excluding GST, when registering a BH series vehicle. For instance, if you buy a car with a discount and register your car, the tax will be calculated on the discounted price—this helps you save a lot of money.

The table below indicates the tax structure for BH number plates for petrol cars.

Cost of the carTax
Less than Rs. 10 Lakh8%
Rs. 10 Lakh to Rs. 20 Lakh10%
More than Rs. 20 Lakh12%

Diesel cars have a 2% additional charge, whereas electric vehicles will get a 2% waiver.

How do you apply for a BH series number plate online?
A car owner needs to follow these steps to obtain a BH number plate:

  • Step 1: Go to MoRTH’s Vahan Portal and fill out form 20 on Vahan Portal.
  • Step 2: If you are a private sector employee with offices in more than four states or UTs, you must fill out a working certificate (Form 60) and submit an employee ID with a work certificate.
  • Step 3: Once you submit all the documents, the state authorities will verify the eligibility.
  • Step 4: The State Authorities verify the eligibility of the vehicle owner.
  • Step 5: Select the series type “BH” during the application.
  • Step 6: The Regional Transport Office (RTO) will approve the BH series.
  • Step 7: You must make necessary fees or motor vehicle taxes online.
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